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Legal name change in California allows you to officially use a different name.

Welcome to the Law Offices of Omer Rangoonwala! We provide legal name change services across the State of California. Changing your name in California can be confusing and difficult to accomplish on your own. That's why we are proud to provide easy name change services for our clients. You can rest assured that our experienced team can assist you in getting your name changed in a quick and efficient manner.

Regardless of your reasons for pursuing a legal California name change, we can help you achieve it. In addition to the paperwork and court hearing requirements for your name change, we will also handle the newspaper publication aspect. One of the many requirements of the name changing process is that a notice must be published in a local media outlet, such as a newspaper. We take care of this and all other aspects of the process, making your name change a worry-free experience.


DO NOT waste your money and purchase legal do-it-yourself California name change kits or packets online. In most cases you will just receive a bunch of forms which are free anyway. Save yourself the time and get it done right the first time. Call us today at (909) 598-3311 for a free attorney consultation!

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